Environmental Management
Through the operation of an environmental management system (EMS), the entire FINECS Group endeavors to make continual improvements to environmental management in aims of improving our environmental performance.
ISO 14001
In August 2008, we acquired ISO 14001 certification for our environmental management system.
Applicable standards | ISO 14001:2004 / JIS Q 14001:2004 |
Initial certification | August 12, 2008 |
Registered sites | Finecs Co., Ltd. Head Office, Jojo Plant, JMT Plant, JMT South Plant, Tokyo Office, Osaka Office |
Environmental Policy
The FINECS Group sees conservation of the global environment and the creation of a recycling society as important issues and cooperates with the local community to contribute to the realization of a better society.
- The FINECS Group accurately assesses the environmental impact of the manufacture of electronic components and the design and manufacture of internal equipment. These activities are performed in accordance with our EMS.
- We continually make improvements to our EMS and work to prevent environmental pollution and reduce the burden we place on the environment.
- <Conservation of the global environment>
- The FINECS Group observes laws and ordinances applying to the environmental aspects of doing business and establishes voluntary standards as necessary.
- <Conservation of the global environment>
- <Creation of a recycling society>
- We work to reduce our consumption of resources and energy and our production of waste and continually make improvements to our operations.
- We have established environmental objectives and targets in order to achieve the aims of our environmental policy. These are reviewed as necessary when there are changes in group activities and society.
Response to conflict minerals
The Finenex Group's basic policy is to eliminate the use of conflict minerals (gold, tin, tantalum, and tungsten) produced by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighboring countries, and to eliminate conflict minerals, which are a source of funds for armed groups in conflict areas.
We also request our suppliers to procure parts and materials that do not use conflict minerals, collect information related to conflict minerals, and steadily implement the above policies.
Example of our contribution
Environmentally conscious products
As a globally expanding manufacturing company, we strive to develop and provide environmentally conscious products to meet the expectations of our customers around the world through our products, while at the same time contributing to the preservation of the global environment and the formation of a recycling-oriented society. We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our products, beginning from their production throughout their life cycles. Through the use of our products, we support our customers' ISO14001 activities and thus strive to realize a society with low environmental impact.
Finecs' Environmentally conscious products
Internal projects to contribute to the reduction of environmental damage
The “ELEC50 Project”, an energy-saving activity that we started back in 2014 to cut our energy costs by half, was decorated with the Judging Committee Special Award of the 2020 Energy-Saving Awards.
Additionally in 2021, we launched an in-house project called “Carbon Neutral 46 (CN46)” to reach the goal set by the Japanese government to reduce the output of greenhouse gases by 46% in 2030 compared to 2013. Also, we push ourselves to fulfill the SGSs, to further enhance our environment-friendly management by matters like improving the efficiency of our solar power generators.
Receiving 2020 Energy-Saving Award
Our energy-saving project “ELEC50” was nominated for the 2020 Energy-Saving Awards and decorated with the Judging Committee Special Award executed by Energy-Saving Case Department.
The ELEC50 Project represents the activities of all our employees to halve the whole company’s energy costs. We will continue focusing on being an environment-friendly manufacturer. To prove our high quality standards and global competitiveness, and simultaneously contribute to the development of our society and satisfaction of our customers even under energy-cost reducing policies is an exciting challenge we commit ourselves to with pleasure.
Low energy, low material loss guaranteed by our Cold Heading Technology
The Cold Heading Technology – our core technology – enables us to guarantee high quality with minimum material loss. Also, because we do not need to add heat externally we can produce by little energy use. We are very proud to contribute to the preservation of our environment by providing FINECS original cold headed components.