The company name FINECS is
It expresses our corporate philosophy of "FINE + CS (customer satisfaction).

We are manifesting our corporate philosophy
by focusing on three areas of excellence.

We also focus on one additional area of excellence.
FINE Co-worker Smile
-Ensuring the happiness of our employees-
"FINE" is synonymous with "splendid," "outstanding," "superior," "sound," "delicate," "sharp," "refined," "magnificent" and "fair weather," and at the same time, it is an expression of our business of "fine engineering."
FINECS is a combination of the word "FINE" and the abbreviation "CS" (Customer Satisfaction). It expresses our commitment to engage in further improvements to the level of customer satisfaction.
"ECS" is an acronym for "Engineering," "Communication" and "Service." These, in turn, are an expression of our "FINE" business domain, corporate mindset and code of conduct.
At the beginning of the 21st century, a dramatic milestone in history, we chose this name out of a desire to be a company that leads the way in a new era full of "fine," from a wonderful society to a beautiful global environment and healthy mindset.